Discus fish are one of the most attractive freshwater fish out there and probably type of fish which cause biggest starter disasters for a freshwater fish. Everyday people buy these fish and expensive tank all around the world and within few days they loose all fish. If you want keep these beautiful creatures then first thing you need to do is massive amount of online research about them. Fortunately these days Internet provides you all the information you need to know. But anyway there is a simple way to figure if you are one of those guys who can be a Discus fish keeper. Look at these facts and figure than your self.
01. Discus Fish are very expensive You won't find any high quality adult fish for else than $100. For School of 5-6 Discus fish it would cost you around $500 or more. Baby fish will be cheaper but lot more hard to raise.
02. These fish are so sensitive to everything from water to other fish. So you will need to buy expensive equipment. A Discus fish tank will cost you more even if it's not a planted tank. You will need a powerful filter system and a big tank plus other things.
03. Discus fish needs special food or you will find your self in all sort of problem. They can grow slow, become stunt or even bloated if you use cheap or wrong type of food. Most Discus fish keepers create their own food recipe to keep their fish healthy and grow fast.
04. This type of fish need frequent water changes. Specially till they reach adulthood you need to do daily water changes. Also keep the tank very clean. This is not something everyone can do. It needs commitment and devotion. Also they are very sensitive to water conditions. You must test your new water before adding it.
06. They tolerate only fish types of fish as tankmates. Peaceful and fist fish. Preferably Cardinal Tetra, Corydora fish, German Blue Rams etc.
So do you think can you tolerate all these facts about them ? Can you be sure you can provide everything they need ? If not don't even think about buying. Because unlike other fish they won't last long.